Myths and Risks of Club Drugs

Club drugs are a group of psychoactive drugs abused for recreational purpose and linked with late night rave parties, bars, college campuses, night clubs etc. These are abused as they can be procured easily, are ready at cheap rates, cause the person to have increased energy, hallucination, and euphoria, and a state of trance in a very short time. Club drug abuse can lead to severe condition complications like liver failure, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, coma, blurred vision, seizures and more. Some of the common drugs are Mdma/Ecstasy, Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxyl Butyrate (Ghb), Ketamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (Lsd) etc.

Myths linked With Club Drugs:
Club drugs are odorless, tasteless, and flavorless drugs. Their abuse can effect into condition problems especially when used in blend with other drugs and mixed with alcohol.

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Myth: Club drugs are safe
Truth: Club drugs are illegal drugs and its abuse can lead to several condition problems. They are manufactured illegally in places like inexpressive road labs, garages, cooking kitchens etc using chemicals and drugs in any combinations that leads to harmful toxicity levels and unpredictable medical effects. Abuse of Ecstasy can cause attacks, seizures, coma, muscle crams etc. Ketamine abuse can make abuser sense dream like states and hallucinations and results in causing thinking confusion, impaired learning, memory loss etc. Rohypnol abuse can cause dizziness, slowed response etc. It is often referred to as 'date rape' drug as it reduces the capability of person to resist sexual assault. Lsd can cause appetite loss, growth in heart rate and blood pressure etc.

Myth: Club drugs are not addictive
Truth: Club drugs are very addictive drugs and its prolonged consumption can lead to severe implications on health. Ghb is a very addictive drug and long term exposure to it can lead to severe relinquishment symptoms when stopped, anxiety, insomnia, sweating, tremors etc. Lasting abuse of Rohypnol can cause dependence like that of benzodiazepines. prolonged use of Ketamine can cause a person to found tolerance and craving for the drug. Methamphetamine is very addictive drug and its abuse can cause hallucinations, violent behavior, depression, and even death.

Myth: It is safe to use a club drug in a small amount
Truth: These are psychoactive drugs and can cause harmful intoxication and condition complications. These are manufactured illegally in garages, inexpressive road labs, shady places, cooking kitchens etc from various chemicals and drugs in unknown proportions and compositions. This makes it difficult to rule its toxicity. Even a small amount of these drugs can convert the chemical make up in the body and effect in harmful consequences. Some population might get affected by even a small amount of club drugs while others can have large intake. The drive of these drugs changes from batch to batch.

Various Risks linked With Club Drugs
It is needful to educate youths, students, adolescents and parents about various risks linked with drugs. Long term exposure to these drugs exposes the person to severe condition risks, confusion, psychosis, addiction, and even death. Ecstasy can cause dehydration, heart and kidney failure. While, it's prolonged abuse can damage the brain cells. Ghb abuse severely depresses the breathing process and heart rate. Taking large amount of Ketamine can cause amnesia, high blood pressure, fatal respiratory problems etc. Rohypnol causes profound memory loss that makes the victim unable to recall or remember the memories of event. It also incapacitates the victim to resist sexual assault and hence called as 'date rape' drug. Abusing these drugs also increases the risk of abusers contracting Hiv and other sexually transmitted diseases (Stds).

Parents need to take active role in informing their children about harmful effects of club drugs. Awareness needs to be increased among youngsters about risky consequences of these club drugs as these drugs can be nothing else but used to sedate or intoxicate anyone.

Myths and Risks of Club Drugs

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