Do You Have Gastritis?

Contrary to coarse belief, gastritis is not a particular disease but rather several distinct conditions. "Gastritis" naturally means "inflammation of the stomach," and stomach inflammation can be caused by a collection of factors. When the stomach becomes inflamed, it is because something has happened to irritate the stomach lining. Gastritis can be mild or severe, temporary or chronic. It can be very painful in some patients, and even fatal if it is not dealt with properly.

Injury, illness, bacteria, or viruses can cause gastritis with the most prevalent cause worldwide being a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium invades the mucous lining of the duodenum and stomach and can cause peptic ulcers in expanding to gastritis. It is one of the few known bacteria that can survive the stomach's very acidic environment; most other organisms are destroyed. Luckily, it is possible to have the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in your stomach and never see any symptoms.

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You can also develop gastritis due to a breakdown of the immune system. If you've had a prolonged illness, or if you are on immunosuppressant drugs for cancer medicine or have Hiv, this can weaken your immune ideas and make you more susceptible to developing gastritis.

One type of gastritis is more specifically known as erosive gastritis. This is where the stomach isn't just inflamed, but is being worn away. The stomach lining can be eroded by a collection of irritants, along with aspirin. Crohn's disease can wear the stomach lining away, too. Typically, a man with erosive gastritis doesn't know he has it at first, because it ordinarily develops very gradually over time. Often, the man is otherwise quite healthy and shows no symptoms until finally the erosive gastritis becomes severe enough to be noticeable.

Continue reading to peruse more about the distinct kinds of gastritis and sign up for the free newsletter focusing on overcoming gastritis straight through natural means.

A subcategory of erosive gastritis is called acute stress gastritis. This is when a sudden injury or illness causes a breakdown of the stomach lining and inflammation of the stomach. The injury need not even be stomach-related -- sometimes an injury that involves heavy bleeding or major skin burns can cause it. The reason why these seemingly unrelated injuries could cause erosive gastritis is not definitively known, but a ideas is that the injuries cause decreased blood flow to the stomach as the blood is being sent to the damaged areas for medical purposes, which causes the stomach lining to come to be weak.

Radiation medicine can cause gastritis, too, if it is inflicted upon the lower left side of the chest or the abdomen, near the stomach.

Some patients who have had stomach operations, particularly to remove part of the stomach for weight-loss reasons, develop gastritis afterward. Regularly the gastritis erupts in the place where tissue has been stitched together after surgery. It is idea that it happens because the surgical operation restricted blood flow to the lining of the stomach, or because the lining was exposed to too much bile during the surgery.

Do You Have Gastritis?

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