coarse Signs of Hiv

It is primary to know the signs of Hiv immediately and rehabilitation should be started as early inherent to be able to improve the response to Hiv of the immune system as well as to lessen the possibility of spreading the virus to other people.

Hiv infection is commonly acquired through exposure to infected body fluids or blood, sexual intercourse or transmission from an infected woman to her baby throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding or birth. As a whole, Hiv infection is transmitted through direct sense with blood fluids or infected blood and not through casual contact.

Drugs For Hiv

People who have history of sexually transmitted diseases and those who are sexual partners of persons with Hiv are most likely to have higher risk of acquiring signs of Hiv. In addition, victims of sexual assault, habitancy who have unprotected sex with several partners, drug users who share needles are also prone on having Hiv.

Hiv infection or human immunodeficiency virus is an infection that gradually destroys the cells in the immune system. Signs of Hiv infection commonly organize in fifty to ninety percent of infected people. After several days or weeks of exposure to Hiv, some individuals can organize an illness that is the same with flu, which lasts for about two weeks. This is called as an acute Hiv infection.

This stage of Hiv is extremely infectious due to the big estimate of virus gift in the blood as well as other corporal fluids. For instance, a man could infect seven to twenty-four percent of partners through the first two months of the infection. Hence, it is primary to identify the signs of Hiv as soon as inherent to help lessen the risk of spreading the virus to other people.

The tasteless signs of Hiv are joint and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes and fever. These signs and symptoms can be caused by other illnesses such as flu so most habitancy cannot as a matter of fact identify that they are suffering signs of Hiv.

Most patients begin to sense signs of Hiv two to four weeks after the exposure to the virus. However, there are cases where the first signs of Hiv appear ten months after the exposure.

Signs of Hiv have immediate onset that begin with fever and most patients organize advanced set of symptoms in one or two days. On the second week of illness, most patients sense painless swelling of lymph nodes, which consist of those in the neck and under the arms. Some patients suffer from enlargement of spleen, an abdominal organ that is placed on the left part of the stomach. Usually, these signs of Hiv last for two weeks but patients may sense persisting listlessness, depression or fatigue, which lasts for several weeks or months.

Signs of Hiv can also appear on genitals, skin and mouth. One of the symptoms of acute Hiv infection includes ulcers or open sores, which involve the skin and the mucous membrane of some areas of the body. These areas may consist of the esophagus, throat, mouth, penis or anus. Open sores in the esophagus commonly cause pain when swallowing. Moreover, many patients organize reddish inflammation or rash in the skin about two or three days after the fever starts. Usually, the rash affects the neck, face and upper chest. Sometimes, rash may appear in the arms and legs, scalp, soles and palms. Commonly, the inflammation is pink to deep red spots.

coarse Signs of Hiv

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