Top 10 Things To Do In Life To forestall Hiv/Aids

1. Use a condom - It is obvious, a condom can preclude the spread of Hiv/Aids in more than ninety-nine out of every one hundred cases. This is true of latex condoms, but positive other types may not be as effective, and some which are created using lambskin or sheep intestine may allow the virus to slip through.

2. Never share hypodermic needles - Intravenous drug users often share the same hypodermic needles, and this can create a high risk for many infectious disease which can be passed along from one person to another. Hepatitis can also be spread in this fashion.

Drugs For Hiv

3. Eat a healthy diet each day - allowable nutrition can help fight off many separate viral infections, by promoting a healthy body and immune system. If the daily diet is lacking in nutrients than the immune ideas may not work as effectively, prominent to a viral infection.

4. Limit the number of sexual partners - Hiv/Aids is spread through sexual contact, so limiting the number of sexual partners can also help minimize the risk of catching this virus. Know the partners chosen very well, including their sexual history and if they were tested for any diseases. Celibacy is the only guaranteed method available to preclude catching a viral infection through sexual transmission, but if this method is not desired then keep the number of sexual partners as small as possible.

5. Avoid casual sexual encounters and one night stands - Casual sexual encounters have come to be common, but this custom creates a very high risk for infection with Stds because of the short-term relationships and collection of partners within a short time.

6. Don't use drugs or alcohol - Drug or alcohol use greatly increases the risk of unsafe behavior, and this behavior can lead to a disease or infection. These substances lower inhibitions, and can cause an private to act in uncharacteristic ways and to take risks.

7. Take anti-retroviral medicine if exposed - whatever who suspects any possible exposure to Hiv/Aids should immediately start medicine with drugs called anti-retrovirals. These medications may preclude the virus from multiplying or causing an initial infection.

8. Avoid high risk occupations - positive occupations carry a risk of contact with infectious individuals or contaminated corporal fluids. These comprise doctors, nurses, paramedics, prison guards and correctional officers, police officers, and many other occupations. Group security employees are oftentimes needed for accidents and injuries where blood or other body fluids and present, and if the private is contagious these workers may be infected if precautions are not taken,

9. Male circumcision - Male circumcision has been scientifically shown to preclude the spread of viruses and sexually transmitted infections to men by up to 60%. This has caused many countries to encourage circumcision to minimize the risks of infection. When a male is infected, they oftentimes pass this along to female partners, so circumcision helps safe both sexes.

10. Avoid touching blood or corporal fluids from others whenever possible - Hiv/Aids is spread through contact with corporal fluids that are infected with the virus responsible. Always use all possible precautions before coming into contact with any body fluids. This can comprise latex gloves, face masks, and other protections available.

Top 10 Things To Do In Life To forestall Hiv/Aids

Related : hiv antiretroviral drugs


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