Can Lesbians Get Hiv?

Is one of the main benefits of having a lesbian relationship the lack of Stds that you're at risk of catching? Do lesbians need to institution safe sex, and does a lesbian need a confidential Hiv test like a fish needs a bicycle? Whilst a lot is documented on the Hiv/Aids rates in gay communities, there is miniature written about lesbians and Stds. Here we endeavor to rejoinder some frequently asked questions:

Can Lesbians Get Hiv/Aids?

Drugs For Hiv

For a lesbian, getting a unavoidable corollary on a confidential Hiv test is a rare occurrence, but that's not to say it doesn't happen. Agreeing to the Centers for Disease Control, there are any documented cases of female-to-female transmission of Hiv or Aids. Findings from documented cases of female-to-male transmission of Hiv has shown us that vaginal secretions and menstrual blood can comprise the virus, and that any exposure to these secretions has the inherent to lead to Hiv or Aids.

Of course, lesbians that use drugs intravenously are more at risk of testing unavoidable on a confidential Hiv test, but there are unavoidable other groups of lesbians that are more at risk too. These groups comprise women that identify as lesbians but continue to have sex with men; victims of rape and sexual abuse; lesbians that have sex for money, and even those who have undergone synthetic insemination.

Why are the Documented Cases of Lesbians with Hiv so Rare?

If all of the above conditions can contribute to Hiv in lesbians, why are the occurrences so rare? This has a lot to do with how Hiv is documented in the Usa. A woman in a lesbian relationship but with unavoidable other risk factors, such as drug use, would have the cause of her transmission written down as her drug use, or as undetermined. Unless the women hadn't had sex with a man since 1978, past heterosexual experiences would not be ruled out as a contributing factor.

Although 109,311 women have been diagnosed with Aids since 1998, only 2,220 of these were reported to have had sex with women. However, in the majority of the cases there was other risk involved, such as drug use or a blood transfusion. Only 347 of these 2,220 women reported to only ever having had sex with women, and in 98% of these cases there was other risk - Iv drug use in most cases.

Can Lesbians Get Hiv?

Thanks To : hiv antiretroviral drugs

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