The Many Effects of Adhd Drugs on Children

It is not surprising to know that millions of children are taking Adhd drugs inspecting the millions and still rising whole of children diagnosed to have the disorder. It is sad to note that at a young age, these children already have to assert with the hassles of taking drugs and the many potential effects that can rise from them.

Adhd drugs are efficient in treating the disorder; if not, they should not have been used for some years now. However, in some cases, these drugs cause potential side effects to the individuals taking them - side effects which may not only aggravate the inconvenience felt by the Adhd patient but may also likely put them at risk.

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What are the effects of Adhd drugs on children? Aside from their potential benefits, Adhd drugs may also cause some other problems on children with Adhd. Most of these problems, which are side effects of the drugs, are mild but there could also be adverse side effects.

Some of the many effects of Adhd drugs on children are the following:

o Stomach ache. This normally occurs during the first hour of taking the drug. It is advised that children be encouraged to eat first before taking any medication. Refrain from giving a child any medication when his stomach is empty.

o Sleep problems. This is a common corollary of Adhd drugs. This can be curbed by lowering the dose of the drug or by changing the medication (according to the doctor's prescription, of course!). In addition, consistent sleep routines and a glass of warm milk may help.

o Decrease in appetite may also corollary after taking medication. You can help preclude this by encouraging your child to eat first before giving him any Adhd medication. It would be best if the child is to take medication only after meals.

o Weight loss may also occur while the child is under medications. This may be preceded with and may corollary from loss of appetite.

o Tics may also corollary from the intake of medications.

o Hallucinations. This is one adverse side corollary of drugs. This is a condition where children may have imaginary occurrences such as having crawling spiders on their body.

o Drug dependency. On some occasions, children under medications become dependent on the drug. Worse, they may be predisposed to taking more addictive substances such as cocaine and other street drugs.

o growth retardation may also corollary from taking Adhd drugs.

o Suicidal tendencies. Some children, teenagers in particular, have been found to form suicidal tendencies after taking Adhd drugs. This is one of the worst effects of Adhd drugs on children.

Not all of these side effects may be felt by an Adhd child under medications and not all Adhd children taking Adhd drugs may feel any of these side effects. There are children who riposte well to medications without feeling any side effects from drugs. However, if you are still wary of giving your child any medication, you can ask your doctor about potential alternative methods of treatment. You may also try homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies may be efficient in the treatment of Adhd in children especially when used for a long period.

The Many Effects of Adhd Drugs on Children

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