Pain treatment - distinct For Diabetes, Herpes Zoster and Hiv

Pain is pain is pain.  Right?  No, not quite right.  At least 3 million Americans suffer from some form of neuropathic pain, but from separate causes.  More than half of these pain sufferers have an auto-immune disease such as herpes zoster, diabetes or human immunodeficiency virus (Hiv).

Recognizing and treating the fundamental disease can substantially reduce the degree and frequency of the pain. There are a wide variety of pharmocologic (drug) treatments availalbe to treat pain symptoms, but only inescapable drugs will help for definite disease related neuropathic pain.

Drugs For Hiv

Many physicians do not know or recognize the fundamental disease condition and perhaps do not associate the single disease with the proper pharmacologic treatment.  Often, habitancy with herpes zoster, diabetes and even Hiv are given nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents or aspirin - which has very diminutive supervene in alleviating the patient's pain.  Instead, their unique type of pain may be alleviated by the proper analgesic therapy, such as anticonvulsants, lidocaine patch, or tricyclic antidepressants.

In a satellite symposium held in conjunction with the January 29, 2009 each year Meeting of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, physicians discussed what explore indicates may be the best treatments for pain related with herpes zoster, diabetes, Hiv and other autoimmune diseases.  If you are being treated for neuropathic pain and the pain has not lessened, ask your doctor about the possibility of being treated with drugs that may be more definite for your single disease. A group of physicians presented a satellite symposium to discuss this issue in conjunction with the January 9, 2009 25th each year Meeting of the American Academy

There are any treatments available and recommended for the pain, Phn (postherpetic neuralgia),. associated with herpes zoster and also for the pain, Dpn (diabetic peripheral neuropathy) related with diabetes.  Gabapentin, pregabalin, and tricyclic antidepressants are recommended as first line therapies, while opioids, which areused to treat many separate types of pain, are thought about to be second or third line therapies.  However, for the neuropathic pain related with Hiv, there are few recommended treatments.  The only recommended treatment, lamotrigine, may reduce pain.

Pain treatment - distinct For Diabetes, Herpes Zoster and Hiv

Related : hiv antiretroviral drugs


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